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Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Troubleshooting tips No Problem

Sounds like a motto in the Office's Pawn, "Solving Problems Without Problems". But it was supposed to be, the solution of a problem not just bring up another issue. So it will be a never ending problem. Usually every problem comes, the busy cursing, complaining, and regretted why the problem happened, or even find a 'scapegoat'. In fact, it will only drain your energy and waste of time, in other words, it will bring up new problems. The following will outline Tips how to solve the problem without any problems, according to Robert H. Schuller in his book, Tough Times Never Last, but Tough People Do:

1. Do not Panic. Minor problems, if faced with a panic, could develop into a big. But do not pretend too indifferent and uncaring. After all you have to aware the matter at hand. Accept the fact that you're in trouble indeed.
2. Stop Drama Queen. Everyone has problems. Stop complaining thither. Sometimes tell you a lot of people do not help you, even otherwise, to invite new problems. Dramatize the issue is not a powerful way to improve the situation. You will only be more depressed. Clear your mind and place the problem in a positive perspective.

3. Do Blurred. Forgetting for a moment the problem by doing activities that entertain yourself, okay. Just do not go on-larit. Problems that are too long to settle will be increasingly difficult to resolve. Besides running from the problem does not make you free because the issue would be like a pebble in the shoe, continues to follow where you go un. If the mind has calmed down, try to remain silent for a moment to think of a way out.

4. Control your emotions. Naturally, when in trouble you feel upset and emotional. But do not overdo it. Try not to let emotions do not mess up your mind clear. Most important when you're in the middle of an emotional situation, do not make important decisions.

5. Use Strategy. Try to set a strategy for memcahkan problem. Ask for suggestions of others is fine but do not expect they will help you get it done. Prepare a plan to get out of the problem. As a practical strategy in solving the problem are as follows: 1) Problem Identification. Know your problem. Contoj, you will face presentation, but the material you are not yet ready. So that's the point your problem, 2) Preliminary Ideas. What are your initial ideas to confront the issue? For example, the initial idea of ​​the problem is that you begin to exert all efforts to collect the materials, 3) Step-By-Step. You must specify lengkah-by-step real, for example in the next 2 days you will find the data through the internet, plus the team deployed to look for other sources of data, 4) Applications. Step-by-step application here means that you melaksankaan all initiatives and measures have been planned in advance.

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